
Expanding our partnership with Cancer Research UK

Collaborative, aligned partners are the key to success in tackling cancer

Last year, Deep Science Ventures (DSV) launched 3 companies together with Cancer Research UK. This month, we announced our expanded alliance with Cancer Research Horizons, Cancer Research UK’s new innovation organisation, to further power the creation of cutting-edge ventures in oncology. These ventures form the cornerstone of DSV’s strategy to develop curative therapies for cancer.

Unmet need in cancer

Despite the tens or hundreds of billions of pounds spent on cancer research every year, a third of people in the developed world still die of this disease. Cancer continues to attract investment in both the private and public sectors, and the knowledge generated through these mechanisms provides an enormous resource. We can apply our first-principles approach, in which we combine existing knowledge to generate novel approaches and therapies, to the wealth of existing information on cancer.

There have been huge improvements in cancer therapies over the last 20 years - in particular immunotherapies - but these therapies aren’t for everyone. Some tumour types don’t respond to immunotherapies, and there’s substantial heterogeneity even amongst patients with the ‘right’ tumour types, such that many of those patients don’t benefit from the drug when existing data suggest that they should.

The importance of strategically aligned partners

We’ve learned a lot since our inception 5 years ago. One of our key lessons has been the importance of identifying partners who share our vision, are bold enough to join us, and are powerhouses in their own areas.

The deep knowledge and extensive communities at Cancer Research Horizons and the Children’s Tumor Foundation will be key to the future success of our joint ventures. Cancer Research Horizons brings deep oncology expertise and insights: the new alliance will see it add not only wet lab incubation space but also scientists to support the proof-of-concept work for the new ventures. The Children’s Tumor Foundation has an unparalleled understanding of neurofibromatosis, which will be the focus of the second venture from this partnership.

DSV’s model, which combines existing technologies, networks and modalities to develop solutions for complex problems, is perfectly placed to tackle cancer. This proven approach to ideation-based innovation and venture creation underpinned the creation of Enedra Therapeutics, Stratosvir, and Neobe Therapeutics in the first alliance with Cancer Research UK. Success begets success: we’re delighted to be able to expand this alliance and continue to work with mission-driven partners who share our passion to create a world where humans thrive.